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I just do not have any idea for the next post, so it just pops out from my brain. Actually i just wanna share this link for those who like shopping especially for the GIRLS!!! ( so obviously ). If you really wanna get cool stuff. Just clik the link below and it will direct you to the main website. It offers so many things such as shirt, bag, watch, shoes, and many more. Do not ever to miss that opportunity. Lets click and get it.


cheers :)

( do not forget to click this link below, okay? )

6 kebiasaan pagi yang terbukti bisa membuat kamu SUKSES

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1. Idra Nooyi, CEO Pepsi : Selalu Bangun Sangat-Sangat Pagi

Indra Nooyi, selalu bangun sangat pagi
Indra Nooyi, selalu bangun sangat pagi via mashable.com
CEO perusahaan soda ternama dunia ini menyadari pentingnya bangun awal di pagi hari. Ia selalu membiasakan diri bangun pukul 4.oo setiap harinya. Kebiasaan ini Nooyi lakukan demi punya waktu lebih banyak untuk merampungkan kewajiban domestik dan agar ia punya kesempatan yang lebih besar untuk melakukan refleksi.
Bangun lebih pagi tidak hanya memberimu waktu lebih, kamu pun akan merasa punya kontrol yang lebih kuat atas hari yang akan segera kamu jalani. Kalau kamu merasa belum mampu bangun sepagi Nooyi, gak pa-pa kok, kamu bisa memulainya dengan bangun 15 menit lebih awal dari waktu biasa. Kemudian, tingkatkan lagi waktunya di keesokan hari.

2. Ursula Burns, CEO Xerox: Membakar Kalori di Awal Hari

Ursula Burns selalu berolahraga di awal hari
Ursula Burns selalu berolahraga di awal hari via didkal.com
Ursula tidak melakukan olah raga berat yang membuatnya sangat berkeringat untuk mengawali paginya. Ia hanya berjalan di sekelilimg komplek rumahnya dan melakukan yoga ringan demi membakar kalori. Upaya yang dilakukan oleh Ursula ini sangat layak kita tiru, bukan hanya sehat — kegiatan ini juga bisa membuat kita lebih siap menghadapi hari.
Berolahraga akan mengeluarkan hormon serotonin yang berhubungan erat dengan kebahagiaan dan pikiran positif. Selepas berolahraga, pikiran kita akan lebih jernih. Ini tandanya kita pun lebih siap dihadang berbagai tantangan yang telah menunggu sepanjang hari tersebut.

3. Tony Robbins, Motivator: Berikan 1 Jam Untuk Memotivasi Diri Sendiri

Robbins, memberi 1 jam untuk motivasi diri
Robbins, memberi 1 jam untuk motivasi diri via didkal.com
“Motivasi tidak bertahan selamanya. Karena itu, penting bagi seseorang untuk memperbaharui motivasinya setiap pagi”
Bahkan seorang motivator sekelas Robbins pun mengakui bahwa manusia sangat rentan untuk melupakan motivasi yang pernah ia terima. Karena sadar akan hal inilah Robbins selalu meluangkan waktu 1 jam di awal harinya untuk memotivasi dirinya sendiri. Ia akan mengulang afirmasi positif yang ia berikan ke dirinya, kemudian mencernanya kembali.
Cara ini ampuh untuk dilakukan, sebab dengan meluangkan waktu untuk memperbaharui afirmasi positif maka semangatmu pun akan diperbaharui secara otomatis.

4. Steve Jobs, CEO Apple: Manfaatkan Pagimu Untuk Menanyakan Satu Hal Terpenting

Pertanyaan yang selalu diungkapkan Steve Jobs tiap pagi
Pertanyaan yang selalu diungkapkan Steve Jobs tiap pagi via ibnuabdulaziz.wordpress.com
Jobs selalu mengulang pertanyaan ini di tiap paginya:
“Jika hari ini adalah hari terakhirmu di dunia, akankah kamu melakukan hal yang sama seperti yang kamu lakoni hari ini?”
Pertanyaan ini adalah pertanyaan yang bisa menantang dirimu untuk melakukan sebuah refleksi. Dengan mengajukan pertanyaan ini pada diri sendiri, kamu akan berpikir mengenai faedah dari rutinitas yang telah kamu lakoni selama ini. Pertanyaan ini juga bisa membuatmu bersemangat untuk melakukan hal yang lebih bermanfaat di hari tersebut.
Cara Jobs mengawali harinya ini sangat layak untuk ditiru, sebab pada akhirnya kita memang tidak punya waktu selamanya untuk hidup di dunia ‘kan? Kenapa tidak memanfaatkannya sebaik mungkin demi hal-hal bermanfaat?

5. Albertheine Endah, Penulis: Memanfaatkan Paginya Untuk Bekerja

AE, memanfaatkan paginya untuk bekerja
AE, memanfaatkan paginya untuk bekerja via writhink.wordpress.com
Penulis yang banyak dikenal lewat buku biografinya ini memanfaatkan suasana tenang di dini hari untuk bangun dan bekerja. AE, begitu ia biasa disapa, tidur lebih cepat di awal hari agar bisa bangun jam 2 atau jam 3 pagi keesokan harinya. Menurutnya, ketenangan yang awal hari bisa berikan sangat bermanfaat untuk menggugah inspirasinya.
Saat bekerja AE sering membuka jendela agar wajahnya tersapu udara pagi yang dingin. Tidak jarang pula ia ditemani oleh anjing-anjing peliharaannya yang tiduran di kakinya sembari bekerja. Tenangnya suasana pagi dan kasih sayang dari hewan peliharaan membuat inspirasi AE membuncah. Buku-buku karyanya jadi bukti betapa ampuhnya cara ini.

6. Rima Melati Adams, Seniman: Langsung Pergi ke Dapur

Menyambangi dapur selepas bangun tidur
Menyambangi dapur selepas bangun tidur via www.esquire.co.id
Istri dari penyanyi Marcell Siahaan ini dikenal di Indonesia lewat acara masak yang dipandunya. Selain itu ia juga aktif mengembangkan clothing brand miliknya dan hingga kini masih aktif berkecimpung di dunia modeling. Pagi bagi Rima adalah saat yang tepat untuk menggeluti kecintaannya pada dunia kuliner.
Sejak kecil, Rima amat suka bangun pagi dan memperhatikan ibunya di dapur. Kebiasaan ini ternyata jadi cikal bakal ketertarikannya di dunia memasak, hingga tanpa pernah mengenyam pendidikan formal ia bisa menjadi host di acara memasak nasional. Hingga hari ini kebiasaan menyambangi dapur selepas bangun masih tetap ia lakoni.
“Bangun tidur, aku ke dapur untuk bikin kopi dan memasak untuk keluarga. Jadi ingat waktu kecil dulu, karena kebiasaan langsung ke dapur di pagi hari aku jadi bisa masak pepes ikan mas hehehe” , kelakarnya.


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Hello readers ( even though i have no any readers here :p ).
Have a good time ??
Well, anyone of you like a poem ??
or even anyone of you wanna be a great poet?

who knows right ? hehe

Okay, before going so far, i would like to explain to you what is poetry all about?

Poetry is a form of literature that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language—such as phonaesthetics, sound symbolism, and metre—to evoke meanings in addition to, or in place of, the prosaic ostensible meaning. There are many types of Poetry; such as Haiku, Tanka, Odes, and many others ( sorry, i cannot explain all to you because of so many types actually ). There are many purposes why people like making and reciting the poem. Some people make a poem for entertaining, showing their feelings, or even making someone touching or melting. 

Poetry as an art form may predate literacy. Epic poetry, from the Indian Vedas (1700–1200 BC) and Zoroaster's Gathas to the Odyssey (800–675 BC), appears to have been composed in poetic form to aid memorization and oral transmission, in prehistoric and ancient societies. Other forms of poetry developed directly from folk songs. The earliest entries in the ancient compilation Shijing, were initially lyrics, preceding later entries intended to be read ( Wikipedia, 2014 ).

Poetry was very famous at ancient time, so that is why many people like making and reciting the poem and even now. The poetry is usually used for entertaining someone in order to get happy as he/she listens to someone who recites a poem. Sometimes, thsi such peom is always about jokes, funny or absurd things which is out of our mind.

When you feel desperate, and no idea how to express your feeling, sometimes you need to write something such as making a poem about your sad story or anything else. Sometimes, we need to take our feelings away in order to avoid the stress and frustation. Perhaps, writing some peoms is the best way to do while you're feeling so bad or not good in the mood. 

Another purpose of writing or reciting poem is to make someone touching or melting on our poem. This purpose is usually used by someone to his/her lover. This is usually about love or personal experience--such as in travelling, living, or having relationship--in which can touch somebody's heart directly. And this such thing always succeed for this part.
 By the way, i'm actually willing to make a poem before i close my post today, yeah sometimes, i need to improve my vocab and grammar through making some poems. Maybe it would not be a good as you expect, but i will do my best, then.

                             You are like sunlight, which lights me up in the darkness.
You are like directions, which leads me to the bright future
You are like books, without you. i will be blind.
these legs step by step walking toward you.
these hands step by step touching your shadow.
But, can i hold you for a second in my life?
can i touch your heart; even though your heart is like a fire.
i have been waiting for you in this cynical world
being suffering, 
being tortured
and being hurt
these things are nothing if i could reach your heart
these things are useless if i could see your eyes.
Deep down inside here ( heart ), it's only you
And always you, 
We will be together someday.
I will love till the rest of my life,
                                                  Till the death keeps us apart
                                                                  I love you

By the way, this poem for someone that i love, she is far from here and she is far from my reach as well. But our hearts are still in touch ( In sha Allah ). Hope, someday we'll be together; even though, it is quite impossible.

Well, my beloved readers
I think that is all that i can give to you actually.
Have a good saturday.


Akbar Haqi


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Today we just got the listening practice at class and you know how did it feel like?? it is really harder than you imagine. I do know why; even though, i have been practicing for such a long time, it doesnt mean that my listening skill get improved. It is really a long way off for me to be good at English. Nevertheless, I will not stop practicing and trying to be the best what i have. I truly eager to master English by my own self because i wanna show that i can be more than this after all. It seems impossible but there is nothing to fear to face it then. So many books i've learned, so many references i've read, so many sources i've got; but still, i cannot improve my English well, though. 

Maybe, i need extra time to study harder and harder because i think, i have wasted my precious time this all along. Then, i wanna make through, no matter what it is. I must discipline my mind to be more concerned what i can do for my own future. Just step by step, everything needs a proper process and i have to do practice gradually as well as possible. 

Probably, i have to be more serious with untouchable books of mine right now; such as Oxford Dictionary, Collins, and so on. I know that, i have left them behind. I have ignored them for a long time with ridicolous reasons. This time, i will not the same again and again because i have promised to my lovely mom that i have to be a good person. This stuff is always dancing on my mind all the time and it absolutely annoys me a lot. 

Well, i've promised myself wouldnt do that anymore. Then, keep my chin up and we face this world together ( what does it mean with "WE" ).

I think that is all for me today because i have BM ( Bahasa Melayu ) class this afternoon.

Have a nice day


Akbar Haqi


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It is 12 days left to the very holy month in which we are really waiting for. In this month, so many Hidayah that we could get as much as possible. In this month, the family bond will be so tight each other. In this month, we can learn so many things which are so beneficial for our lives ahead. This month is called by Education Month which means that in this month, we will be taught how to feel what the poor people feel; however, it does not mean that we should be more likely a poor. We should not eat or drink something from dawn until dusk--maghrib time--within 30 days ( sometimes, it could be 28 or 29 days). Beside that, we should keep our emotion, temper, and anger away because all those things will decrease our merit during fasting.

Unfortunately, i cannoy back home during this month because i have still a class which is still ongoing. However, i cannot back home for celebrating Eid Mubarak as well due to be more concentrating and focusing on the final exam that will be coming soon in August. So sad indeed, i have no idea what i should so in this country without having fasting with my beloved family. But, this is just a matter of time. On the other hand, i consider it as my experience to have fasting time with my friend here despite it is quite awkward really.

i will miss the moments when i was still in Sambas ( my lovely country ) in Ramadhan month so badly. I miss when my aunty and i making some food and drinks such as Ris Soles, Cake, Curry-puff, Coconut ice, Kopyor ice, Syrup ice and many others. You know that, it will be hard or me to be here because i cannot cook due to there is no any household such as pan, cattle, stove, and so on. So, because of that, i have to buy and buy to fulfill my daily necessity. 

It seems that i have to be more patient during this month and i know everything will be beautiful if we can make through by ourselves alone. Just enjoy and live it, because it is hard to find the mment like this after all. You know, the experience is priceless rather than anything. So that is why i do not need to be sad due to be away from my family because i know there will be a time we will be together either in Ramadhan or Eid Mubarak someday.

From now, what i anna do is just do what my mom said to me " it doesnt matter if you will not with us in this Ramadhan, you should concentrate and focus on your study and get scholarship ". Those are the words that i still remember from her. I promise that i will study harder and harder and fulfill your wishes, Insha Allah. Human can only make plans, but only God that could determine after all. I hope that in this Ramadhan, we will be closer to our God, Allah and we can enjoy this Ramadhan until Eid Mubarak without breaking our fasting.

well, i think that is all from me today.
Hope you'll enjoy it
Thanks for reading

Assallamu'alaikum :)


Akbar haqi


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Voila !
Buenos noches, mi amigos
How's life?
Splendid or even more?
Tonight, i'm just online with my friend at FSS ( Faculty Of Social Science ). I do not know what i'm supposed to do with this place actually beside online. There is someting crossing my mind in which push me to post something what i've done today on my own blog.

Ok, Today, i've just had an English class at CLS ( Centre Of Language Studies ). My class is taught by Ms. Feona Albert, a very kind-hearted person that i've ever met. She is very good at English despite she was studying engineering at UiTM before. My class consists of more less 15 students. Most of them are from Chinese. My roomate is in the next class, he is taught by Ms. Emily. Ms. Emily is very energetic actually. She is more like a resolute teacher, and that is why i like her much as she teaches me. 

Today, we've learned about explanation essay (seriously, i do not like writing at all, and it does not mean that i hate it much, it's not my intention ). We learned how to make explanation properly and perfectly in the right way. Beside, learning about that stuff, Ms. Feona gave us some question about the causes ane the effects. She asked us what is the cause and the effect in terms of those who really want to get A in their exam. One of my friend told that, the mark does not depend on how bright our future ahead. Actual stuff which makes us success is skill. The skill makes us become easier to reach our dream. Without skill, we are nothing. For those who only get the highest mark is lower than those who have a skill. Why do i say so?, if we have so many knowlegdes but we do not have any skill, it is hard for us to survive this cruel world. If we look the opposite, it is easy for us to survive this world if we have many skills. Let us take an example, you know about Thomas Alva Edison, do you think that he was a genius? smarter than Albert Einsrein? No, he was an ordinary man. So what makes him so special?. As we know that, Thomas Alva Edison had discovered many inventions, one important of his inventions is electricity. How can we imagine if we do not have any electricty in this world by now?. We'll live in dark like primitive people for the rest of our lives. 

So, by what Edison discovered all those inventions? by his genius? or his knowledges? Absolutely no, he just used his skill to make them through. He had done a lot of experiments and he had failed so many time; however, he'd never be complained about that. He kept carrying on until he made it. Then, another person that we take an example is Bill Gates, he was a former student of Harvard University, USA. but what happened with him in the end? he was expelled from that University. How come on earth this happened to him?. The reason is that he wanted to be more focus on his discovery, making microsoft. So, what happened to him right now?. He has become a billionaire with bazillion money that he has. So, he could buy anything what he want in this planet.
So, what the lesson that we get from this? His story inspires us to be more concerned of what we can do for our lives ahead. If we want to be succes in the future, we have to work harder and harder. There are always many ways if we think positively. 

So, by now, stop wasting your precious time. If we can do now, why should tomorrow. i have a quote from a wise man, he said that, the thing that we are doing now is much better than making a perfect plan for tomorrow ( more less like that ). 

So, i think that is all what i've got for tonight because i'm already sleepy and my inspiration has gone away without permission,
Well, hope we'll meet again in the next post ( i hope so ).
Good night
Peep peep.


Akbar Haqi